Tuesday 25 October 2011

Millennium Falcon

For the last piece of my design models I decided to create the Millennium Falcon.

For the Body of my design I started with a Chamfer Cylinder. I used the Extrude tool at the polygon level to create the line inside. For the top shape I moved the middle vertexes with the Move tool. I selected 1/4 of the top back polygons and used the Bevel tool to add higher values and the Extrude tool for the front polygons to lower their values.

 To create the front of the ship I used 2 boxes. With the Move tool I created the shapes above and the Boolean tool to curve inside them. After that I duplicated the shape to get a symmetrical shape. 
 For the additional shapes I used the cone object type.
For the first object on the left I used the Extrude tool at the Edit Poly level. After that I selected the top cap polygon and used the Rotate and Move tool to get an angled shape. And Bevel tool for the end part.
For the middle shape I used the same techniques with the help of the Inset tool as well.
For the last shape I created a cone and with the Boolean tool I added some curve to it.
 For the bottom of the ship used the line object type. To get that above shape I had to model the vertexes and to use the Bezier and Corner Bezier tool. For the end part I used the Extrude modifier.
 To get a C shape I created a cylinder with 2 cap sides. I moved the vertexes in order to get a thin shape. I deleted the inside vertexes and using the Bridge tool at the edge mode I linked them.

In order to complete the bottom side of the ship I added 2 side "wings" using the box and cylinder object type. And the Boolean tool to curve inside the ship.

 And to add some extra features I added one sphere and with the help of the Pro Boolean tool some curves inside the model.

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