Saturday, 1 October 2011

Designing a Castle

For the castle exercise I decided to search for an image to help me design my own version.

Here is a link to that picture:

I start with the tower because I think I was the most efficient way.I started with a box. In order to work very efficient I didn’t use any segments. But instead I used the Edit Poly method and at the polygon level I decided to Tessellate the top polygon a few times to get the desired amount of polygons. After that I used the Bevel tool plus the Cut tool to get the desired shape. But in order to get a realistic object I deleted some vertexes.
After the first tower was created I dragged another 3 objects to have a castle shape.I used the Move tool + holding down Shift to create a copy.

Between the towers I used a box to start the wall. I left 4 segments for the width section and 16 for the length. In order to get the top walls that surround the bottom wall I used the Extrude tool.

This is an image of the project so far. The 4 towers and a wall between them.

 In order to get a bigger tower I tried to drag the polygons that form the right side. After I duplicated the middle polygons.

The same technique I used for the final tower/castle.

In order to get the entrance door I modified a cylinder. I took down some sides and moved the vertexes I a way that it the margins look like a door and I used the Boolean tool to carve into the tower.
 And this is the final image...

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Steering Wheel + Chess Pieces Techinques

For these 2 exercises I read the notes from VLE.

For the Steering Wheel I used the Torus object type.
 With that created I tried to model a "steering wood bat". BY using the cone tool I created my shape.
 To get a better rounded shape I used the Chamfer tool at the edge level.
 To complete the Steering wheel I added a small torus and a sphere to the middle. To center them I used the Align tool.

In order to get the chess pieces object I had to read about the lathe tool.

First of all I created a place surface using the exact measurements of my Photoshop files. After I started with the lines. After I added the lines I looked closely in the front view to get the exact shape. But that shape had to be one half.

To complete the exercise I used the Lathe modifier with the Direction set to Y coordinate and the Align to the center.

Sunday, 25 September 2011


You are to produce a mood board, research board and storyboard. From your storyboard, you are expected to model at least three artefacts which will star in your sequence. You should also show three different specific modelling techniques, ie lathe, chamfer, boolean etc.

                  ASSIGNMENT 1

  For this part of the assignment I created several mood boards.
  The first ones were not so great. The looked more like posters.

After that I tried another approach. I decided to explain what is going to happen in the scene.

But after I received some feedback I decided to have another try.
After that I came up with this idea of a mood board. This images indicate what is going to happen in my scene. The background represents the space. The Tank represents the fight that is going to happen. The 2 planets represent the decor. The middle picture represents the passage way where Luke is going to fight the emperors force. The target is very suggestive in a way that with Lukes lucky shoot they win that battle. And finally the explosion in the last image doesn't need any words.