Wednesday 5 October 2011

Death Star

     My first design model was the Death Star. The design of this model was my first for the Star Wars models.

First I created a sphere. From there I selected the middle polygons using the Front View. After the polygons were selected I used the Extrude tool to get a line all around the sphere. Another way of selecting the polygons is to hold Shift and select a polygon, that implicit selects all the polygons in the middle row.
After that I created another sphere and I placed it into the first sphere. And using the Boolean tool I created my inside hole.

To get a better looking object I created a cylinder with 2 cap segments. I moved the second set of vertexes, that complete the inside circle, in a way that I could create a circle object. After that I selected all the polygons that form the inside circle and pressed the Delete key. Using the Bridge tool I joined together the edges that form inside part of my circle.

And Finally I placed the circle in the created hole and I got this object.

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